About Us

Moe (South Street) Primary School, established in 1951, is located in a residential area of Moe, 134 kilometres south east of Melbourne.

The site is close to a major sports ground and the local swimming pool. Spacious school grounds, a range of recreational equipment, an attractive entry and the wonderful view of Mount Baw Baw make for a pleasant environment. Visitors to the school receive a warm welcome from staff and students.

The school is a partner with Latrobe City in the Ted Summerton Sporting Reserve and the Moe Early Learning Centre which was opened in December 2011. This partnership offers the school the unique honour of being able to provide community access to services starting with maternal child health, childcare and education from kindergarten through to grade 6. Within the MELC complex we also house the Moe Toy Library, the music room and a full indoor basketball stadium. The recreational facilities at the Ted Summerton Reserve include a first rate oval with lighting facilities, netball courts, cricket pitches, fitness track, fire brigade training track and a free gas barbeque/eating area with modular playground equipment.

This year student enrolments at South Street Primary School are approximately 327. Most students live within the immediate area although a number attend this school in preference to others nearer their home. Further growth in population is expected in the long term and it is anticipated that the long term enrolment will rise to 375.

South Street Primary School utilises an integrated and structured approach to learning based on AUSVELs. The school has a focus on developing as a learning community, one that is rich in ICT driven teaching practise. We are passionate about the outcomes for our students in not only literacy and numeracy but also as global citizens that have the ability to be life long learners and are dedicated to being valued members of the communities they live in.

Specialist teachers provide

  • Physical Education
  • Digitech
  • Art/Craft programsAbout Us
  • Reading Intervention
  • Oral Language Development

A range of intervention, special assistance, engagement and extension programs include:

  • Breakfast Club
  • Plant and Animal Program (Sustainability)
  • Life Education
  • Peer Mediation
  • Peer Activity Leaders
  • Clubs
  • Interschool Sports/Swimming
  • Class Swimming Programs
  • Musicals
  • Camping programs
  • Severe Language Disorder program
  • Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) programs including a valuable life skills program
  • Perceptual motor program (PMP)
  • Individual instrumental lessons

Parents are encouraged to be involved in School Council, fundraising, Canteen and in educational programs such as reading, group work, assisting individual children, sport and excursions, as well as other facilitative structures within the school.  We offer Parents to attend information sessions such as parenting programs and the like when they become available.

The School is part of the Moe cluster of schools with Lowanna College (Our local Secondary College), Moe (Elizabeth Street), Moe (Albert Street), Newborough, Newborough East, Yallourn North and Rawson Primary Schools and Baringa Special School. The cluster provides collegiate support, conducts interschool sports and promotes the Junior Leadership Program for the primary students.