In The Classroom – An Overview
South Street Primary is always focused on continual improvement.
Our focus is always on what happens in the classroom and what the experience looks like for our students on a day to day basis. All of the decisions we make are centred around this principle.
Growth mindset
When teams are planning for student improvement the four questions they ask are:
- What do we want students to learn?
- How do we know if they have learnt it?
- What do we do if they don’t learn?
- What will we do if they already know it?
Increase focus on what ICT looks like in the modern classroom – we have introduced PC tablets to our students as learning tools, this probably signals a shift in how we focus resources in what we used to call “computers”. Effectively they are now student learning devices, inclusive of:
- iPads
- PC tablets
- Laptops
- Desktops
- Interactive white boards
We have also embarked on a process of upgrading our infrastructure to support staff and students with a more efficient and responsive wireless network. This process is ongoing due to the fact that student learning in class rooms, as a result of information technology, has radically altered over the last 5 years in particular.
So whilst our focus around quality teaching practice – particularly in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy – has not changed, how students learn has, so we are developing our classrooms and teaching practice to match.
To support the learning of our students, our staff:
- Develop Timetables/planners each term to ensure observations, coaching, reflection, professional development, planning, PALT meetings occur and have a data driven focus.
- Attend relevant external professional development.
- Work together to solve children’s learning difficulties in their PALTs using evidence from assessment to make decisions about their planning, numeracy tasks, ILIPs, learning plans and future teaching strategies & methodologies.
- Teachers will use their understanding of the teaching/learning/assessment cycle to collaboratively improve student learning in PALTs.
- Staff to examine student data to observe improvement over the year.
- Share professional development with whole staff.
- Will be accountable for achieving their performance and development goals and will be able to provide evidence at mid-cycle review.
Professional Learning Communities
PLCs work collaboratively to become crystal clear on the Knowledge, Skills and Essential Learnings. They work interdependently to achieve common goals for which members are held mutually accountable.
Participation in this process is not reserved for those designated as leaders; rather, it is the responsibility of every member of the organisation.
Teachers examine the results to discover strengths and weaknesses in their own individual teaching in order to learn from one another.
The 3 big ideas of professional learning communities:
1. A focus on learning
2. A culture of collaboration
3. A focus on results
The Four PLC Questions are:
1. What do we want students to learn?
2. How do we know if they have learnt it?
3. What to do if they don’t learn?
4. What will we do if they already know it?
Six characteristics of a PLC:
1. Shared mission, vision and values that focus on learning
2. A collaborative culture with a focus on learning for all
3. Collective inquiry into best practice and current reality
4. Action orientation: Learning by doing
5. A commitment to continuous improvement
6. Results orientated.
Student Representative Council
Our Student Representative Council are very active members of our school. The students are elected by their fellow students. They organise ways for students to participate and contribute to their school community. Last year saw the SRC paint the Art room external wall, re-do the garden area near the art room, raise funds to put a border around the sand pit and raise funds for the Give me 5 for kids charity.
To raise money they organised popcorn days, dress up days and a fun run.
This year the SRC are planning to complete a number of fundraising activities to improve the playground area for student engagement.